Saturday, January 16, 2010

I've been abandoned. My solitary heart is lying on the ground in a thousand shattered pieces (and mixing nicely with the occasional razor blade of glass that still finds it's way into my foot while I walk through the kitchen). It's all Brian's fault. His cougar ladyfriend, Kelli, should shoulder some of this blame, too.

The two of them went to California this long weekend to celebrate Dr. King's fantastic accomplishments. I know you're assuming that they're marching in San Fransisco in the name of peace and racial equality, but don't forget that deep down in the black pit of my soul, I'm a climbing bum. So are these two friends of mine. And as such, they're raising a black-gloved fist to the sky at the Jailhouse, a great winter climbing area about two hours east of San Jose. Those lucky bastards.

Never mind that I was in Hueco just last weekend, or that I was out climbing in Boulder Canyon yesterday with my buddy Blake, he and I pouncing on one of the best 13a's I've ever been on, a route called Vasodialator.

Any time my friends get to go on a badass climbing trip to a destination that I've yet to visit, a twinge of jealousy, that ugliest of emotions, creeps into my heart. Today I'm left all alone in Boulder, and given that I wrecked myself on Thursday at the gym, and again yesterday in BoCan, I'm resting today with little to keep my occupied, save for Abaluba, coffee, and a burning need to finish some work for the Access Fund that I've largely put off for months. (And, I suppose, that by posting here, I continue to flake on my work. Christ. Sorry Joe, if you're reading this.)

Hell, reading that, I better go. But always remember, Voyeurs: I love you (unless you're out on some adventure that I'm missing. In that case, I'm the worst friend you've got).

Oh, quick note...I wish there was a sarcasm font. That'd be a much better way to communicate my preferred sense of humor in written form. I, of course, am psyched for my buddies, and hope they have a great trip out West. No matter what you readers do, I love all of you without a hint of hesitation.

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