Thursday, May 1, 2008

close call

My buddy Chris had a bad accident in Eldo this past weekend. I've been trying to look on the bright side, because if he had been hit with the falling rock a few feet higher on his body, he likely would have died. As it were, he has a broken ankle, both lower tib/fibs, a femur fracture, and a broken pelvis. Bright side or not, Chris has quite the challenge ahead in '08.
I spoke with his mom on the phone just a bit ago, and she was remarkably upbeat. I was the one quivering and nearly on the brink of tears. She explained about his most recent surgery, and the doctor's plans for the next several days.
Objective hazard is part of rock climbing. What's difficult to comprehend is the random nature of bad luck. People have climbed for years on the block that broke off the wall and crushed my friend's legs, but for some unknown reason, he has to pay gravity's price. Chris wasn't a particularly risky climber, and had years of experience to help shield him from danger. In the end, though, climbers' souls are energized in a realm which presents inexorable danger. These risks come up snake-eyes infrequently enough to forget their existence, but when they arrive, they break life's hard earned peace.
I wish my friend a full and speedy recovery, and take solace in the strength of Chris' will to overcome what nearly killed him.

1 comment:

Marin (AntiM) said...


I'm sorry for Chris's injuries and your anxiety.
