Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate running diary

Wow! I am going to throw down a running diary of the debate.
Live from St. Louis, at 7:02. Here we go.

Biden needs a gene transplant, according to Brokaw. Ha! We'll see if he is just a windbag...but let's be honest, I'm really watching to see if Sarah Palin turns to dust on national TV.

Palin starts talking about kids soccer games. I get tired of the "woman of the people" schtick.

Bipartisanship question. How the hell did McCain and Palin grab the mantle of change? And no, neither one did answer anything even remotely close to the question.

John McCain voted the exact same way. Huh. This banter seems like several things come to the fore. First, I don't believe a word. Second, I hate politicians.

Palin seems like she is in high school giving a report to civics class. Kinda like a cheerleader who is trying really hard, but failing on all fronts. Derek is watching here, too. Aparently he's being driven crazy by the hair in her eyes. That doesn't bug me so much as the cheerleaders.

Biden: Too many numbers about healthcare, but saying that McCain's healthcare plan is the "ultimate road to nowhere" was a solid punchline.

Palin took on big oil companies? Isn't she a champion of opening ANWR? Odd. What makes my head spin is how prepared these two had to be. There are way too many stats and vote histories going on here. How many hours did these campaigns staffers need to sit with Biden and Palin in order to run through potential ammo? Good grief.

So, lemme get this straight. Were mortgage lenders signing up people for loans even if borrowers weren't asking for them? Did the borrowers have anything to do with it? I guess that's not a solid argument tactic. To blame the audience for not reading their loans.

Do either of these people speak english? If so, it'd be nice if they got to speaking it, and without running on for far too long.

Biden: John McCain has been dead wrong. Ironically, that's the worry on every American's mind. John McCain is going to be dead, and we'll have Pres. Palin.

Are we getting the word "Nucular" from Palin? I guess that's the Republican pronunciation. Tomato Tomatoe. Also, is Palin running through the names Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong Il just to prove she knows some foreign leaders' names?

Don't really like Joe Biden using the third person. It's kinda like Flava Flave, only an old, balding white man.

I've completely tuned out at this point. It's 8:04. At 8:24, I've snapped back to attention because we are getting towards closing statements.

Palin: We might have gotten the first god reference. Fight for freedom. Vote for them and you'll tell your kids what freedom is, but he'll be a slave. Ok.
Biden: Get up together. Another God reference. Vote for us.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

My favorite/most hated moment was when Palin made clear that her only road to success lay in ignoring moderator and opponent entirely: "And I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record also."

I agree about third-person Biden. It was weird.
