Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Call me a slacker, you won't be a liar. I waited until 10:55 to start this post, mostly because today was a full plate. I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but Kate just had knee surgery, so I've been on serious nurse detail for the past 36 hrs. The alarm clock has rudely spouted NPR at 2:30 AM and again at 6:30 to ensure proper medicinal ingestion, and the rest of my foggy day was spent working on a project for a client.
My old man is an oil and gas guru, so at one point during the day, I called him up to ask a question I had for this particular project. Specifically, I needed to know about a public oil company's responsibility to the SEC for filing on their reserves. One thing led to another, and then we just started chatting. He asked me if I've still been saving money for a rainy day. I replied that I had, but it was nerve racking to hear it from an old hand that bad times are still ahead. I know that television and print are basically story after story of economic ruin, but hearing it from you own father hits closer to home than if, say, Anderson Cooper was delivering the notion.

So, long story short, I was happy to be working today. I can't really tell what I'd do if I suddenly lost my job. I think there's a part of me that would do a subtle fist pump and start planning climbing trips, but another voice would rear up in total panic and force me into a grownup gear. Hopefully it doesn't come to that. This week will be an interesting indicator as to where I stand on that continuum, because we just rewrote a contract for a client, and are going to have a call about it tomorrow. I'm hoping I don't pick up the phone to a voice telling me, politely or otherwise, that the bid was rejected and my goose was cooked. (Especially because this particular client is responsible for getting me to the west slope, with all of its associated climbing, and I'd HATE to lose that perk.)

So it's off to bed, at least for a couple of hours, to rest up and hopefully rise tomorrow sufficiently coherent and rested so as to fool them once again with a thin veneer of professionalism.

And welcome back, Nuno. My buddy just went off to Thailand for sightseeing, climbing, and a reunion with a long time buddy who'd moved over there. It sounds like he had a great trip, and his email made me get a little thirsty for an adventure. I think I could do without the gut destruction he picked up from dodgy food, but anytime someone talks about beach side climbing with overhanging limestone and belays that depend upon the tide, I'm intrigued, to say the least.
