Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Knifing out the Copyright Violations

My uncle John usually throws down with good music suggestions. Between him and my buddy Bodie who works over at E-Town, I feel pretty hip and in the know.
John sent me a link to a band called The Knife may have heard Jose Gonzalez cover their song Heartbeats. The Knife version is a little crazier, but in a way...cooler. Of course, the video was on youtube, too, but the sound was taken off for fear of litigation. The American way, I guess. Shame, cause I could really enjoy sitting there with the song/video on repeat while the kids skated down that hill....with each figure eight, I'd shudder, convinced that they were going to smash into each other. So far, they've made it each and every time.

John called me the other day to catch up and see about meeting in Santa Fe for his brother's (and my uncle, Jim) birthday shin dig. The last time I was in Santa Fe with most of my mom's extended family, it was her 50th birthday. Two major achievements stuck with me from that trip, to the extent that I'm going to meet up with Jim, John, and the rest of the crew in hopes of recreation:
My sister went into a church and found a gift store. In it, she found a plastic noise maker, molded into the shape of two hands clapping, with the text "Clap for Jesus" printed boldly in hot pink.
I wound up at a fantastic little club downtown with John, Jim, and three of Jim's buddies. Two of the guys were Latin, full blooded. I devoted the evening to equal parts speaking Spanish (a favorite past time of mine), drinking, and dancing with a black drag queen up on the go go box stage. Good times!
Round 2: The weekend of August 3rd.

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