Tuesday, June 9, 2009


When I was packing all of my stuff in the recent move, a couple of undeniable realities hit me. First, the situation sucked.
But second, I realized that my wardrobe is pretty shabby. Subsequently, I've augmented my regular session with the shrink with a little retail therapy. Lots of work going on here at Abaluba.

So when I talk about clothes existing in a state of general outdated disrepair, I'll start with running shoes. I like to think I'm a reasonably fit young gentleman. Why, then, do I continue to run in shoes that have served me since my freshman year in college? I hate to date myself (though I'm not dating anyone else) but I started college nearly a decade ago. Dignity nearly made me erase that last sentence, but I'm keeping it in there. Those kicks are starting to wear pretty thin. It might be cool to use things until they have holes in them, but if my poor IT band keeps crying after runs, maybe its a sign that self imposed indigence is for the birds.

I'd been wearing the same dress shirts to work for the past four years, and I'm thinking that my coworkers are starting to catch on. It's a pretty set rotation, and I always find myself washing the same collared shirts...so maybe its time to look for some reinforcements. Luckily, I've recently found some JCrew shirts that are more or less tailored for the tall, skinny WASP look that I'm going for. The hangers are gradually being rotated out, finding a few new oxfords every couple of months.

And as for pants, I've realized that the worn out Carhartt look isn't going to do it for anyone. I've recently thrown away two pairs that have served me really well from Indian Creek to the office, and have begun the search for something a little more stylish. Fortunately, again, I found one particular cut of Calvin Klein pant called the Dylan that is suited to the fashionable "no ass" look I'm rocking.

Reilly has accepted a preliminary offer to head out and look for a blazer with me. I feel like a versatile sport coat is really lacking, and I'd like to be able to go out for a beer or glass of wine and not have to choose between hoodie and puffy. Previously, I've only had two choices: A plain blue blazer that didn't do much except get me into the odd regatta, and it fit without any kind of style. I got it when I was still playing lacrosse and drinking tons of beer, thereby weighing in at about 20 more pounds. The other option was a camel hair coat with big shoulder pads. Don't tell my dad, as he was a big proponent of that coat, but ole Joe Camel currently resides at the thrift store or some other poor bastard's closet.

So now I've got to get our with my super hip little sis and see what she says. I trust her abilities here, as I was recently hanging with my mom and made a comment that she was looking super cool. Her explaination? Reilly had taken her shopping. On mom's bill, of course. But I'm prepared for the same.

Look out, world. You might not even recognize me next time I go running past you with shiny new shoes and a fancy blazer. I'm trying to take a cue from another climbing buddy of mine, Dan Mirsky. He puts a fair amount of thought into how he dresses, even on climbing trips. I was at the Red with him last fall and remember being taken aback that he'd spend his rest days in slacks and a button down, V-neck cardigan. Hell, if it keeps him climbing 5.14 and dating his super cute lady friend, I'll emulate to the best of my abilites. Just today, for example, I picked up a new V-neck tee shirt.

It's not a sweater, but it's a start.

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